Animatronic eyeballs Robot There are lots of great animatronic and robotics props and projects out there, and it’s easy to make r/c servos and other actuators move using the Arduino servo library. This means that the servos stops and start very suddenly, moving as fast as they can between positions. In this video I’m going to show you two lines of very simple code to make things smoother.”
Animatronic eyeballs Robot, he creates – via 3D-printing and an Arduino Uno – an animatronic device with two big, cute eyeballs, each on their own pivot (moving left and right only). The eyelids share the same pivot point and there are three servos in total
electronics attractive project
Package details:
- mg996r 3x
- servo mg90 3x
- all printing parts
- all bearings and screws
assembly given in description video