Thermocouple MAX6675 MODULE is an American company with a cold junction compensation, linearity correction, thermocouple break detection ADC Serial K-type thermocouple, its temperature resolution capability is 0. 25 Degree, cold junction compensation range -20~+80’C, wide operating voltage range 3. 0~5. 5V
Package Includes :
- 1 x MAX6675 Module.
- 1 x K type Thermocouple.
Specifications and Features Thermocouple MAX6675 MODULE :
- Operating voltage: 3. 0~5. 5V
- Internal integrated cold junction compensation circuit;
- With a simple three serial SPI interface;
- Temperature signal can be converted into 12-bit digital
- Temperature resolution of: 0. 25 Degree;
- Cold junction compensation range: -20~+80’C,
- Embedded thermocouple break detection circuitry.
- Using SPI 3 wire communication
- K-type temperature probe
- Type K temperature range 0-1024’C
EGT K Type Thermocouple for Exhaust Gas Temperature Probe with M5 Threads
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